
交流会やイベントへの参加や、海外への出典など、具体的なプロジェクトが動き次第こちらのページにてアナウンス致します。 また、お仕事のご相談等ありましたら下記メールへご連絡ください。施工のためすぐに折り返すことが出来ないこともありますが、確認ののち、お返事いたします。

Toyota carving does not have its eyes only in the domestic market but also the international market. News of cultural exchange meetings, participating events, foreign sources, and news of foreign projects that have taken shape will be announced on this page.

If you have any inquiries please contact us through the email provided below.
Please understand that due to the nature of our work,there may be times where we are unable to reply swiftly. Thank you.

Attraente Life&Design Pte. Ltd
Address: 159B Rochor Road Singapore 188434

Contact Person
Email: overseas@cho-koku.net